Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Man's World

"When you can’t be with the one you love - you let yourself go. You settle for someone who is wrong for you and somewhere deep down you know it. May be you want to punish yourself for not being with the one you love and subconsciously you give in to the society's pressures and settle down with someone who will harm you and will make you suffer. 
You make sure that you will never be happy by choosing someone who will hurt you. 
Don’t ever settle; It kills you inside every day for the rest of your life."
This is what a lesbian told me about her marriage to a straight man. The gay world comes with a lot of hardships but is it more hard for lesbians ? Because Let's Face it - it is a man's world that we live in.
 A lot of lesbians don’t have the courage or the luxury to fight. They have to succumb to society’s pressure and marry a man, sometimes for their family and sometimes for society.  A study conducted by CDC in 2010 said that Bisexual women are twice as likely to be victims of domestic violence than straight women. 
We as a society should stop ourselves and ask, is this is what you mean by traditional marriage ? denying some one their chance to happiness by forcing them to settle in a sham marriage ? By giving them away to the hands of brute men who believe that they are not man enough for their woman and so she is "CHOOSING" to be with a women. When society as a whole cannot understand why people are gay, how can we expect these misogynistic men to understand the complexities of coming out ? 
Watching two women make out can arouse a straight man but if their wife is gay they cannot accept it. If their wife finally finds the courage to come out of the closet and leave them to be truly happy - their pride gets hurt and what do they do ?  they resort to what they know best - violence. 
When the world thinks of lesbians - the picture that comes to their head is that of two hot women making out or butch angry women. But the real picture is something ugly and shameful which they don't want to acknowledge. 
When will this stop ? 
PS: The women who gave me that advice is now happily married to her partner and they have a beautiful family.

 Just another happy family
(This picture is from pride parade not the one i talk about in the post)

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